Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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We are an all volunteer organization that tests, registers and regulates therapy dogs and their handlers for the purpose of providing quality visits to nursing home, hospitals, children’s groups, and other organizations that require the services of therapy animals.

SCDogs Therapy Group, Inc. was founded in 2000 by Michelle Jenkins Missel in Clemson, SC.

We visit at local nursing homes, hospitals, children camps, elementary schools, women’s shelters, parades and more.

Your animal is required to have annual vaccinations documented by a licensed veterinarian.

No. All breeds are accepted and registered as long as they pass the required testing and stay current on their visits. Dogs without pedigrees, rescued and adopted animals are all eligible.

Pets must be 6 months old. A rescue pet has to have been with the current owner for a minimum of 6 months. 

In order to remain active, you and your pet will need to participate in at least one (1) visit every three (3) months.

One time evaluation fee = $ 20.00
Annual Membership Fee = $ 35.00
Gas to go to various visits
Optional Expenses = Therapy Animal Vest $30-$50 depends on size needed
Car Magnet = $5.00
SCDogs Therapy Group, Inc. T-shirt = $15.00
Bandanas = $10.00

SCDogs Therapy Group, Inc. is a non-profit organization supported through annual membership dues, donations, and various group fund raisers.